Friday, 16 January 2015

Time matters

In medical encounters, time matters, yet in different ways in different interactions. During doctor-patient consultations, specific time slots are the usual often creating tensions from both parties. However in Obstetrics, time extends into the unknown along with many other uncertainties. Due to this frequently expanded time, there are tensions in terms of monitoring the progress of labour, managing the pain related to childbirth and ensuring the safe arrival of the newborn without complications to both mother and child.

Issues around time provoke tensions from the mother to be and the healthcare workers / students who intuitively question how long they have to be present and to what extent. What happens when the needs of the mother conflict with the needs of the care-workers? Does lunchtime take precedence over other responsibilities?

The image above is created using Skitch on my iPad. The strips drawn on each side overlap to illustrate the many layers of relationships and matter that influence and are influenced by time as students learn Obstetrics. The photo of my watch reflects the importance of every minute and second. For instance when the neonate is ready to pop out, there is an urgency not to linger. Experiences from students and midwives reflect that at times there is no time to put on gloves - getting splashed by amniotic fluid is not uncommon. Such occupational hazards with possible harmful consequences usually result at unexpected times and can be exacerbated by the tiredness of those in attendance. Time for sleep is a treasured aspect of this 8 week student rotation in Year 4. Time tensions call for different skills to the usual. These challenges are shaping student learning in unpredictable ways.

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